Федеральная национально-культурная автономия азербайджанцев России
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Azerbaijan ambassador to the US discussed final pipeline route connecting Caspian to Europe

  • 10/07/2013 --
  • Просмотров: 4354

Azerbaijan ambassador to the United States Elin Suleymanov in interview to the E&E Publishing on July 9 discussed final pipeline route connecting Caspian to Europe, a Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the US reported.

Answering to the questions of the E&E Publishing’s journalist Monica Trauzzi regarding the selection of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline, as the South European route, Elin Suleymanov said: «I think what we finally have is a decision how to extend the southern gas corridor, which is a priority project for the European Union and for Europe as a whole. The decision to go with the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline came as, I think, as no surprise, because apparently, according to the Shah Deniz Consortium, it makes great economic sense, and this is a project which will bring finally Azerbaijani gas from the Shah Deniz Field to European consumers, and specifically to E.U., to Greece and Italy. Now that decision by itself does not mean that other countries along the route will be devoid of Azerbaijani gas. So even now, we are talking about interconnectors, possibly in the future to Bulgaria, possibly to Romania and other nations, which will accommodate greater amounts and volumes of Azerbaijani gas coming in. In general, what we have, though, is truly a major contribution from Caspian region to energy security of Europe. It’s a long-awaited decision».

Commenting the released U.S. State Department statement saying that bringing Caspian gas to international markets will contribute to meeting global energy demand, the ambassador added: «We appreciate the U.S. statement, first of all, and we appreciate the U.S. support throughout, over the two decades we’ve been working with our partners on developing the Caspian energy resources, be it oil through Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline, and now to gas in the southern corridor, and now it goes through Trans-Anatolian Pipeline, turn up and goes through Trans-Adriatic Pipeline. I think we will be contributing to the welfare and prosperity of greater Europe. Consider this. This is one of the first significant good news for instance Greek economy. If you look at Greece today, it will be major investment in Greece, A, and B, it will create jobs, and long-term sustainable growth in Greece, plus contributing to energy security of Greece».

Discussing the impact of the construction of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline on Azerbaijan’ economy Suleymanov said: «Azerbaijan has benefited greatly from the energy projects, including Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan. We look forward to benefiting from this as well, because what we need is sustainable growth, which will be reinvested in areas outside the energy sector, so transportation, education, new technologies, and all this. As a whole, we believe that the sustained growth base, to which energy is an engine in this particular case, is a very promising development for the future».