Федеральная национально-культурная автономия азербайджанцев России
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Caucasian Muslims Office issues fatwa in connection with Eid al-Adha in Azerbaijan

  • 08/10/2013 --
  • Просмотров: 4432

The Caucasian Muslims Office has issued a fatwa in connection with the Eid al-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice), the office told Trend on Monday.

According to the report, Eid al-Adha holiday falls on October 15-16. As representatives of both currents of Islam live in Azerbaijan, two days in the country are officially declared as days off to ensure their democratic rights.

In this regard, the office and its management congratulated the Azerbaijani people and all Muslims on this holiday and asked the Lord for mercy.

According to Sharia laws, the sacrifice is especially important for Haji in holy Mecca. Sacrifice is desirable, but not obligatory for wealthy people in other places.

The animal offered as a sacrifice must be healthy. Sick animals are not suitable for sacrifice. Camels, buffaloes, bulls, cows, sheep and goats can be sacrificial animals. Moreover, one cow can be sacrificed by seven people or families.

The eve of Eid al-Adha holiday is celebrated on Oct. 15.

Eid al-Adha holiday will be celebrated on October 16.

Trend M. Aliyev