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ФНКА азербайджанцев России создана 1 октября 1999 года

Hundreds of medical centers have been opened in Azerbaijan over the past years

  • 08/01/2014 --
  • Просмотров: 5053

124839The opening of the biggest medical facility of Azerbaijan-the Baku health center-was held in the capital Baku on 7 January.

1news.az reports with reference to the official website for the President of Azerbaijan that the opening was attended by President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and his spouse Mehriban Aliyeva.

The head of state cut the ribbon symbolizing the opening of the center.

President of Azerbaijan and his spouse familiarized with the conditions created at the Baku recreation center.

After getting acquainted with the Baku health center President Ilham Aliyev met with staff physicians.

Saluting the health workers, President Ilham Aliyev said:

«I cordially congratulate you on the opening of the Baku Health Center. It’s a lovely Center, the largest medical facility, built during the years of independence.

The center for 550 beds has all the necessary conditions. It is the largest center. There are several divisions operating here, all main divisions. Modern equipment has been installed. That is, there are all opportunities to provide qualified health care. I am confident that doctors working here will treat patients with care and attention.

The construction of this center is a significant event. In recent years, Azerbaijan has done much for the development of the health sector. Modern hospitals and diagnostic centers are built in all regions.

Hundreds of medical centers are open today to provide services to the citizens of Azerbaijan .

The creation of such centers is a manifestation of attention to the social sphere in Azerbaijan. This area will remain a priority in 2014, as economic development, the growing economic potential of Azerbaijan allow more attention to improving the social sphere.

Of course, the main direction in social sphere is health. This area is also given constant attention. Reforms in Azerbaijan in the field of health care are reflected in the statistics.

Maternal mortality, infant mortality are dropping. The World Health Organization commends reforms in Azerbaijan. In short, creation of modern medical facilities in Azerbaijan and in Baku has become extensive.

I am confident that in the coming years the health care facilities that are currently in need of repair will undergo repair work and excellent conditions will be created.

Once again I want to note that little construction of such centers has been observed over the past years since economic crisis continues in the world, the economic situation in some countries is not too good . I can say that now the construction of major hospitals in the world can be found in very rare cases.

But in Azerbaijan, such centers are being built and will be built. I remember well the day we laid the foundation for this place. At that time this was the wasteland. But a lovely facility has been built now.

I am confident that this center will provide the citizens with highly skilled service. Of course, it also means new jobs for doctors.

I am sure that will be a pleasure for every doctor to work here. Since the conditions here correspond to the highest international standards. Today Azerbaijan provides its standards in health, particularly in equipment, facilities, construction work.

But, of course, the main indicator of the health care system is the professionalism of doctors. I believe that there is still much to do in this area. More should be done in both training and advanced training of doctors. I hope that all of our doctors will follow the novelties in the field of health in the world today. Azerbaijan is to apply the most advanced methods. Qualifications must comply with these conditions. Then, I think, Azerbaijan will reach our desired result in health.

But it is also true that the effective use of existing equipment here, of course, will ensure great results. Since the diagnosis should be carried out in a timely manner. There are all possibilities for the diagnosis.

Treatment should be correct. People must be diagnosed correctly. We must work for steady development of public health in Azerbaijan.

Once again I want to note that health care and social services, in general, will remain a priority in 2014. We are meeting in the first week of 2014. I can say that 2014 has already started with the opening of two important objects for our country. On 3 January we celebrated the opening of a modern ski center in Gabala. And today, here in Baku we celebrate the opening of the health center. If we consider that today is the first working day in 2014, we can say with certainty that there will be many of such opening ceremonies in 2014. I am confident that 2014 will be successful for our country and our people. We will carry out all the problems put before. I want to congratulate you once again on past holidays. I wish you success”.