Федеральная национально-культурная автономия азербайджанцев России
ФНКА азербайджанцев России создана 1 октября 1999 года

U.S. investors purchase nearly half of Azerbaijan’s sovereign Eurobonds

  • 12/03/2014 --
  • Просмотров: 4901

Birja_191107Investors from the U.S. purchased 47 percent of Azerbaijan’s sovereign Eurobonds, the debut placement of which took place on Monday, Azerbaijani Finance Ministry told Trend on March 12.

«The demand for placement exceeded the placement’s volume by four times and drew the attention of investors from 160 countries.

British investors purchased 25 percent of bonds, investors from Germany — 18 percent, and the remaining 10 percent bonds were purchased by buyers from other countries, including Singapore and Israel,» the ministry said.